God must shake His head at me

I know I’ve written about this before. It feels like a dozen times. This time, will it sink in? I come across things every now and then that talk about self esteem & how women speak to themselves. You know, we’d NEVER speak to other women, our daughters, our granddaughters, our friends the way we [...]

Do whats right not what’s easy

If you’ve ever witnessed or lived in dysfunction you’ll understand. I’m brought back to a time that I watched a movie that struck me in a way I can’t shake. A boy. His addict mom. The boy kept trying to “save” his mom. Sometimes people can’t be saved. Not by us anyway. Sometimes we have [...]

Give credit where it’s due

How many of us have things that have happened to us or have had things said to us that were unfair? 10 out of 10 I bet! How many of us are guilty of saying “Because of xyz, I am xyz?” My dad wasn’t around when I grew up so I am…..My mom wasn’t around [...]